Dani Saldo is a 20-year-old Filipino born, Canada based pop artist whose debut hit 'Friend's Don't' packs a punch. With a singalong chorus, Dani's offering is a catchy and commercial pop with your name written all over it.
We caught up with Dani about the tracks inspiration:
“I really wanted this song to sound like the dreamy little suburbia I grew up in. As if by listening to it, you could be transported there. I had this image of creating sounds that reminded me of biking to high school, seeing the blue sky alongside the townhouses as I passed by. There’s a key jingle in the second verse that pays homage to all the late night drives my friends and I would go on, talking about our dreams and aspirations.”
Make sure you put this in your playlists and give Dani Saldo a follow - I'm sure we will be hearing more about her in the coming weeks.