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ICYMI: Seraphina Simone puts mental health awareness at the heart of new single 'O M D'

Many of us are fortunate enough to be living through a time where matters surrounding mental health can be an open and honest conversation. Although this can't be applied to everyone, everywhere, for more reasons than we can get into in this short music review, in the UK, it's becoming more and more the case.

With all conversations that become more mainstream, the complexities and nuances of mental health have also come to light. One such aspect is the experience of those who are in a relationship with someone suffering through poor mental health, which sits at the heart of Seraphina Simone's third single 'O M D'.

As the London-based artist explains: "it's about loving someone struggling with depression, and how powerless you feel to help them. Like you're a bystander in your own relationship, just watching them untether themselves further and further while you try and hold them and yourself and everything together, totally unsuccessfully. In this particular relationship, the more I tried to help the more I pushed him away, and then I ended up resenting him because it hurt.”

As ever, the London-based songwriter, singer and musician presents her personal outpouring with plentiful guitars, drums, indie melodies and intelligent-pop undertones.

Check out Seraphina Simone's newest release 'O M D' right here.

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