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'Papa' - Scott Helman creates a beautiful pop tribute to a beloved grandfather.

Grief is an unexpected rollercoaster of emotions. A journey that never truly ends and has no 'one size fits all' guide for us to follow. It is unpacked and dealt with in a multitude of ways as we weigh and attempt to sift through all the thoughts, feelings and emotions we are left with when someone we love passes.

Scott Helmans newest single 'Papa' is a beautiful and poignant understanding of that love and loss. Whilst the tune itself is filled with electro pop synths, Scotts unique, effortless vocal and his ability to create such memorable hooks, it also showcases a completely authentic and vulnerable side to the artist that has yet to have been seen before. As well as releasing this dedication track, Scott goes even deeper with the most intimate of visuals. Close up, and filled to the very brim with emotion, it's impossible not to share in Scotts pain and in his happiness as you join him looking back at old family videos.

Marking the very first single from his upcoming album series Nonsuch Park out this September 4th, Scott explains,

“This album is mostly about me – my changes, my growth, my hardships, my celebrations, my fears, my courage and my love,” says Scott. “It encapsulates many of the winding roads of my life, how they’ve diverged and converged to create a tapestry, and it documents the lessons that tapestry has taught me. If each person has a sanctuary within – a place they can return to where things make sense, where the tides are kind, where colours are bright and their lives feel meaningful – I think we all have a physical destination too where those things manifest. For me that place was the large park just down the road from my Papa’s house in Sutton, UK – Nonsuch Park. It was here where we would walk and cackle at awful jokes, lean in for the stories, make peace with our busy lives and draw meaning from the lessons we had learned since our last visit (made all the more powerful by the fact that we only had a couple more days together).”

Listen to 'Papa' here.

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