Zaflon is the solo project of musician-producer Dan Clarke, who’s based in South London. He expresses himself through the medium of music which is self-penned and -produced. Music really is for him, a vital means of communication and symbolic too, of being true to oneself. More so with his upcoming release than ever before. 'Till The Meds Wear Off' drops 26th February.
With this latest single, Zaflon has ventured into a more pop territory. ‘Till The Meds Wear Off’ represents a renewed frame of mind for this artist. Whilst he has previously focused on a more experimental sound, he is taking the bold step into vocal-led dance-pop for the first time: “It's a far cry from the sinister murky triphop tracks I usually do”, Zaflon tells us. The result is a catchy, uplifting and damn-right delectable track.
Yet don’t expect that this means Zaflon is now merely a pop artist, end of story. Another key element of Zaflon’s musical adventures is that he’s not going to be labelled as one thing or the other; how could he be when one minute he’s delivering pop bangers and the next he’s creating something ambient and more experimental. He explains: “I'm currently dividing my time and going even more abstract at the same time as going more pop. This is a track I've done based off a WhatsApp message I got from a friend in Berlin and footage from a friend in Canada who films the BC Mountains with his drone. I don't tend to look back too often with my music and anyone who stumbles across my YouTube channel may well be wondering why everything seems so random. I'm going to be releasing a lot more music this year and all the bits are going to start to fall into place.”
Hear this song right here:
On the other hand, check out ‘Till The Meds Wear Off’ with its heart-warming video featuring dancers from across the globe found on the web:
‘Till The Meds Wear Off’ is out February 26th on all major platforms for stream and download.