Having previously made his mark on the Billboard charts as a producer and collaborating artist in the last few years, Veldor now returns after a five year hiatus with the release of his fresh and uplifting new single ‘Bat Shit Crazy’.
Produced, written and performed by the man himself, ‘Bat Shit Crazy’ sees itself as a more minimal cut on the pop landscape. With its bright and sweeping piano tones layered between hip-shaking beats and his own singalong vocals, this long-awaited return will fill your heart and spirit with shimmering joy from start to finish.
Speaking about his new offering, he said, “‘Bat Shit Crazy’ is a song that reflects on our youth and the friends that we make along our journey of life. Some friends "Drift to the Other Side" by getting mixed up with the wrong crowd, and getting involved with drugs and alcohol - and some have suffered from mental illness, and the resulting suicide - while others have ended up in jail leading a life of crime. Veldor states in his lyrics that all he wanted to do was "save them". The song really highlights the sad reality that life isn't fair and sometimes people just get dealt a bad hand at no fault of their own. Veldor believes that we are all here for a reason, and if his song can help just one person reflect on their life, and think about someone they have lost, and honor their memory - then his song has true meaning and value.”