As the cost of living crisis in the UK advances into a new phase of maliciousness, there's a rising tide of potent resentment occurring across the land. Stories of people skipping meals to save money, of the elderly going without drinking water, of people overworking themselves into sickness still without making rent are increasingly common, meanwhile banks and corporations are reporting massive profits and top CEOs are awarding themselves multi-million pound bonus. You can easily understand why so many of of have had enough. The system is broken, so why should we keep feeding ourselves into it? And so enters to potential soundtrack to the rebellion, "I Don't Wanna Work... NEVER" from Bristol-based trio Bigman & The Birdseeds. The track is all about grassroots punk generated from loud guitars, killer drum beats and sexy bass lines, and rounded out with a little acoustic softness and catchy melodies. It's the kind of cathartic rock number you can still get your hooks into and shout along with those much needed protestations. It's bands like Bigman & The Birdseeds who are at the heart of the zeitgeist right now, they're in it with us for the struggle and they'll be there to count us in for the breaking point.