One universal aspect of the human condition is the desire to be loved and accepted. It’s a rare phenomenon, progressively so, in the days of hookup culture and instant gratification. That’s where Ina Shai’s newest track 'What Is' comes in – the kind of track that speaks loudly, but elegantly, on the subject of having a soulmate.
The song communicates all of the familiar emotions when it comes to holding a dedicated relationship: the unease and excitement, the unknowns, and the adventure there is in knowing, and in the end, finding that we are whole and complete as we are, and having someone there to complement our lives is just that, a complement.
Filled with celestial riffs, depth and dynamic, the track rises like the ebb and flow of the tide, laid back yet ever-evolving.
“The song ‘What Is’ was inspired by a deep, one-of-a-kind soulmate love. It talks about the beauty and intricacy of love as it leaves us wondering: »how do we know this is the real thing«? This song means a lot to me as I’ve written it whilst still in a relationship and now it sort of represents my goodbye to the person I was and everything I thought I knew about love. I think that showing love to yourself is the most important thing as only then we can truly love everyone around Us.” - Ina Shai