With the recent lockdown bringing along with it the all too familiar sadness and frustrations, it’s high time we had a soundtrack to help soothe us into the swing of things. Well, luckily for us, Neil March with another EP setting out to do just that. His latest EP ‘Alternatives To Despair’ might just be the answer to well, an alternative to despair that is constantly creeping in. Rooted in the beauty of the familiar, Neil masterfully manipulates sounds from the every day in this body of work and pairs them perfectly with his intricate understanding of harmony. Alongside his rich musical endeavours, Neil March runs Trust The Doc Radio, Live, TV and Blog - a platform for straight-up good music. How Neil finds the time to pen such perfectly curated soundscapes and amplify other musicians through Trust The Doc is anyone's guess.
‘Alternatives To Despair’ is the latest edition to Neil March’s ever-evolving musical repertoire. Rooted in a sense of nostalgia and belonging, Neil’s body of work is fourteen minutes of utter musical magic. Telling the story of Neil’s own life, ‘Alternatives To Despair’ is made up of four linked parts. The industrial samples Neil utilises with ease are made all the more captivating when complemented by the comforting choral elements. We finally hear Neil’s own voice shine through in this EP as he lavishly layers these to create the sense of a welsh valley all-male choir. Neil paints a perfect picture throughout this body of work; rooted in an atmosphere of nostalgia and comfort, Neil has offered a masterpiece for our monotonous days. So, this lockdown don’t let the despair creep in, instead, let Neil March’s soothing sounds transport you into his sonic universe where there are only alternatives for such a feeling.
Listen to ‘Alternatives To Despair’ on SPOTIFY HERE: