I'm firmly on The Horn bandwagon at this point, there's no denying it. As such, I'm happy to welcome in the third single "Power Show" from this rhapsodic London band, who once again flex those chops in a new way while still in the indie-rock spectrum. While first track "Passion" was a reference back to bassist Nick True's first band in the 1980's and "Always Late" was a modern affair, this new one bridges the gap between a retro recording style and the modern state of the world. Echoing into the initial silence is the ear-catching line "cults are coming after you, they're watching every little thing that you do" and that immediately made me think of George Orwell's dystopian fiction "1984" in which the government have carte-blanche on every activity and thought of human existence. However, The Horn aren't taking the pessimistic route, instead they disarm the listener's typical defences with this jaunty live recording with a 60s surf-rock guitar melodies and beat music drums like an old-school intro to one of those early entertainment shows. I'm thinking crushed velvet, a little circle stage, the tiny metallic microphone and theatrical curtains. Just because the chorus "welcome to the power show" is light and playful (and darn catchy), that doesn't mean The Horn's message isn't a serious one. Let this be your reminder to be a little more vigilant out there.
“So many cults around us, not just religious & political, scroll any social media or watch, listen or read any media in any country and so many people think their cult or their beliefs whatever they are, are more important or more real than someone else’s, they are not, just be nice that's all you need, piss off, it's exhausting!”